A Large Helping of Life

One bite at a time……

Baby’s First Christmas December 24, 2011

Filed under: Family — alargehelpingoflife @ 9:07 am
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Christmas is literally right around the corner. Tomorrow is the big day!

One thing of many that I am looking forward to is seeing Hope have her first Christmas. Babies don’t get into it as much as the older kids but they enjoy it in different ways.

I can’t imagine how much fun she is going to have with the wrapping paper that will be all over the floor.

That is like a baby paradise!

All the paper she could ever want to crunch and shake and chew.

She will also enjoy her new toys once her siblings help her open them.

Hope got her first taste of Christmas cheer while we were decorating the tree. She was mesmerized by the lights.

We would turn them off and she would look around and wonder what had happened.

Then we would turn them on again and she would get very excited!

My sweet Christmas girl.

I think Christmas lights would be a very entertaining toy year round.

“Ooooh look a camera.”

(This is where she crawls after me in a hopeless chase for the camera)

Cheese! (“Now give me that camera mom!”)

She lost interest in the camera and went back to the lights.

She was screaming with joy as she shook the lights all around.

When I was showing these pictures to Shane he reminded me that we had taken pictures of all the other kiddos playing with lights too.

So after a little digging in the past Christmas photos I found these gems.

(Warning! These are photos from the past. As in no Canon rebel in my life at the time.)

Here is Jacob. (2)

Little baby Jonah. (1) He really liked the lights!

Cutie pie Jude. (almost 1, his birthday is 2 days after Christmas.)

Faith (1) She was more interested in saying cheese then with the lights. Silly girl!

So all of our sweet babies have had their play time with Christmas lights. I love that we have pictures of them all.

It almost like an accidental tradition.

I hope you enjoy all your Christmas traditions this year.

Spend time together and enjoy every minute.

May you all remember the miracle of Jesus’ birth this Christmas season.

At the name of Jesus

Every knee shall bow

and every tongue will confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord.

~Phillipians 2:10 and 11